1. Doing More with Python¶
- Quick Note on The Book Edition
- Python Versions
- How To Use This Book
2. Scaling With Generators¶
- Iteration in Python
- Generator Functions
- Generator Patterns and Scalable Composability
- Python is Filled With Iterators
- The Iterator Protocol
3. Creating Collections with Comprehensions¶
- List Comprehensions
- Formatting For Readability (And More)
- Multiple Sources and Filters
- Comprehensions and Generators
- Dictionaries, Sets, and Tuples
4. Advanced Functions¶
- Accepting & Passing Variable Arguments
- Functions As Objects
- Key Functions in Python
5. Decorators¶
- The Basic Decorator
- Data In Decorators
- Decorators That Take Arguments
- Class-based Decorators
- Decorators For Classes
- Preserving the Wrapped Function
6. Exceptions and Errors¶
- The Basic Idea
- Exceptions Are Objects
- Raising Exceptions
- Catching And Re-raising
- The Most Diabolical Python Anti-Pattern
7. Classes and Objects: Beyond The Basics¶
- Properties
- The Factory Patterns
- The Observer Pattern
- Magic Methods
- Rebelliously Misusing Magic Methods
8. Automated Testing and TDD¶
- What is Test-Driven Development?
- Unit Tests And Simple Assertions
- Fixtures And Common Test Setup
- Asserting Exceptions
- Using Subtests
- Final Thoughts
9. Logging in Python¶
- The Basic Interface
- Configuring The Basic Interface
- Passing Arguments
- Beyond Basic: Loggers
- Log Destinations: Handlers and Streams
- Logging to Multiple Destinations
- Record Layout with Formatters
10. Python Virtual Environments¶
- Creating New VEnvs
- Python Package Management